How The Full Moon Impacts Your Clients

A full moon occurs every 28 days, September 17th is the next full moon, so what you are about to read is a monthly lunar occurrence that will directly impact your clients holistically – mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, soul and energetically…

When the moon reaches its highest volume of energy, causes an illumination of your client’s emotions, traumas and experiences they’ve buried or tried to suppress…

Thus creating an opportunity for clients to clear their emotional baggage, however not everyone is aware of this…

Some of the symptoms you can discover during this lunar phase is:

๐ŸŒ” Rise of clients with chronic pain resurfacing reflecting buried emotions trapped in the body unhealed…

๐ŸŒ• Intense emotions urging clients to release, clear and let go of what is no longer serving their highest potential…

๐ŸŒ’ Elevated levels of stress due to intense personal emotions happening within leads to less bandwidth to cope with any other stressors that may come from work, friends, family or other sources…

๐ŸŒ• Inflammation occurs within the body as a natural reaction to mental and emotional stress happening…

๐ŸŒ” The dysregulated nervous system is the body’s way of highlighting that the sympathetic nervous system of fight, flight, freeze or fawn survival mode has become active due to intense emotional stress…

๐ŸŒ• Exhaustion, insomnia and general fatigue is the souls way of encouraging clients to self-care and go within to really tune into what old experiences, emotions, patterns or self-sabotage behaviours are being brought into their awareness and give up the fight to hold onto the old hurt, pain and wounds…

๐ŸŒ’ Pain sensitivity happens when the sympathetic nervous system and an overload of emotional stress heightens the 100 billion nerve cells circulating through your client’s body on sensory overload… So it is natural that nerve cells will be reactive and unable to cope with heavy deep work…

To best way to support your clients is by working to regulate their nervous systems…

Leave a ‘moon’ emoji if this resonates with you…

Much Love
Rachael xx
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